Wanted to write a little post about what I’ve been loving in February before it is too far into March.
(How the heck is it March already?)
This is my first monthly favorites, not sure if I’ll do one every month or not. Depends on how many things I’m loving at that time. It seems this month I was mostly loving pop culture related things.
Let’s get started!
1. True Detective
First of all, I cannot get enough of True Detective.

In the past year I have fallen in love with Matthew McConaughey. He made the right move when he stopped making movies with Kate Hudson and started getting into the good stuff. I LOVED Mud last year, as well as Dallas Buyers Club and of course him in Wolf of Wall Street.
I also love Woody Harrelson, so this show is pretty great.
If you haven’t watched it yet, you really should. And if you are worried about starting a new tv show, it’s only 8 episodes long. There’s only one left! Next season they’ll have a whole new cast.
One problem I have with the show, which other people have expressed as well, it is lacking any complex female characters.
2. House of Cards
I hadn’t watched the first season of House of Cards until this month. Finished it just a few days before the new season came out and then Lee and I pretty much finished that one off in a week.
My favorite part about the show is Francis and Clare’s relationship. I think it is the most modern (and somehow stable) marriage on tv. You can watch all of House of Cards on Netflix!

3. Youtube
This has been a favorite for a while, but since I’ve never told you my favorites before I figure it’s ok to mention it.
I have subscribed to quite a few famous youtubers including: Zoella, Sprinkleofglitter,, Leighannsays, Grav3yardgirl and recently Dailygrace.
Youtube is the best time suck and it is really cool to see what people can do with it.
4. Haim – If I Could Change Your Mind video
The dancing is so great! And the song is so catchy!
5. Justin Timberlake
On Valentines Day, Mr. Lee surprised me with tickets to see Justin Timberlake that night. Best Valentines surprise ever (except maybe the time he told me he was taking me to New York!).
The show was so great! We (both) had a really fun time and are really glad we went, though it was not a cheap night.
6. Katy Perry – Dark Horse
Also for the dancing. Specifically the bounce bounce snap thing.
Another catchy song, besides the rap part. Wish there was an app that would remove the awful rap sections from otherwise good pop songs. (Have nothing against rap, but the rapping in songs like this is so pointless).
Well, it’s a short list, but I just wanted to share with you guys my favorite things this month.
Stay tuned for a post about online branding as an artist tomorrow!
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