As I wrote about earlier this year, I have been trying to “Think Positively” as much as I can.
It is impossible to be positive at all times, and I would guess it would be pretty annoying to the people around me if I were constantly chipper and looking on the bright side. Sometimes people just like to – pardon me – bitch.
And that’s ok, sometimes you just need to complain.
My partner Lee is in Los Angeles right now participating in the E3 expo. His game, Apotheon, is being shown at the Sony booth since it is going to be released on PS4!
I am beyond proud of him for getting to this place.
He and Jesse not only followed through on completing Capsized (their previous game), but took on another similar scaled project and stuck with it.
I have to say it is pretty amazing to see how far it has come. Lee and I were already living together when him and Jesse started making Apotheon and – though I am not an experienced gamer – I think it has come a long away and become quite the masterpiece.
I am really really really gushingly proud of those boys. 🙂
Here is the latest Apotheon trailer:
Gushing aside. Being at home by myself in Toronto while Lee is off jet-setting and GETTING INTERVIEWED BY CONAN O’BRIEN! I started to feel a little sorry for myself.
My life is not as exciting as his. I have not achieved what he has achieved. Boo hoo. Jealousy.
I guess spousal competitiveness is gonna happen. I’m just glad we’re not competing for clients or something.
But today I woke up thinking differently. I think I finally broke through to the “think positive” mindset that I was wanting to achieve in January.
Today I decided to make a list of all of the amazing and exciting things I have got to do in my life and there are actually a lot of them.
Most of them include seeing one band or another – since I honestly think I am at my most happy when I am watching live music.
I am a pretty lucky girl.
A few highlights have been:
-Seeing The Arcade Fire live THREE TIMES! (2005, 2011, 2014)
-Travelling to New York with Lee and seeing Radiohead, two nights in a row! As well as seeing The Book of Mormon musical with it’s first cast (some of which have gone on to be in shows such as Girls!), seeing the MOMA, the Met, the Guggenheim and the Natural History Museum and hanging out with the love of my life in new city (another of my happiest activities).
-Attending university and graduating – with no student loans! Thanks Mom & Dad!
-And this weekend, attending the Field Trip festival for FREE (thanks Project Gallery & Grolsch!) which was a five minute walk from my house – seeing Half Moon Run & Broken Social Scene – with FEIST! and… wait for it!… Gord Downie!
Amazing. Also thanks to the random guy who handed me his wife’s unused VIP ticket as I was walking in Sunday night. Got to watch BSS from the raised VIP section.
So, yeah. I don’t feel sorry for myself anymore.
I live a pretty amazing and lucky life.
I am healthy, I have a roof over my head, I have the support of friends and family, I have a loving partner and best friend, and I have the potential and passion to achieve my dreams.
I wanna hear about your amazing life moments! Leave a comment down below! What are you thankful for?